Dry fruits Laddoo
fruits Laddoo – Super
delicious snack/
No added sugar
Pitted dates – 1.5 cup
Large Apricot – 5
Large Figs – 5
nuts – 2 tbsp, broken
into smaller bits
– 2 tbsp, sliced
into smaller bits
seeds – 1.5 tbsp
sesame seeds – 3/4
sesame seeds – 3/4
– 1.25 tbsp
Golden Raisins
– 1.5 tbsp
Poppy seeds – 25 gm
Flax seeds powder – 1 tbsp
Grated coconut – 1 cup
Ghee/ Clarified butter – 2 tbsp
a non-stick pan add poppy
seeds and saute under medium flame. When they slightly change the
color to brown dish them
out into a clean big bowl. Add
a table spoon of flax
powder into this bowl.
white and black sesame seeds into the pan and saute until they puff
up. When their color
slightly changes to brown dish them out
into the large bowl.
the same pan add sunflower
seeds, ghee, broken
cashewnuts, almonds
and saute. Keep
so that the nuts are roasted evenly. When the nuts change the color
to light golden
brown, dish them out and add into the large bowl.
the same pan add large golden raisins, ghee and saute for a minute.
Add cranberries, few blue berries (optional) and saute until the
raisins start to puff up. Add them into the large bowl. Add grated
coconut into the pan and saute until it slightly changes the color to
light brown. Dish it out into the large bowl.
Add pitted dates, figs and apricots into the same pan along with
ghee and saute for 2 minutes under medium flame. Keep sauteing for
even roasting on all sides. Once they cool down, add them into a
blender and blend into coarse paste. Add the blended paste into the
large bowl.
Please remember to not add
water at any stage of making this laddoo.
Use a spoon or
your fingers and mix all the ingredients well. Due to the stickiness
of dates, figs and apricots all the ingredients would bind well. Pat
it gently over to the bowl
to make a large ball. Ghee
plays an important role not only to enhance the flavor but it also
keeps the mixture
smooth and non-sticky.
Pinch small
portions from the large ball
of dry fruits mixture. Gently
press with your palm and fingers to make a small round ball. You may
also gently press them between your plams in rotating motion to make
a round ball. Place them in a clean dry
plate. Continue
the same process until all the mixture
is used up to make dry
fruits laddoo.
also pat
this large ball of dry
fruits mixture on to
a clean greased plate and
make thick
flat surface. Using a blunt
knife cut them into any
shapes preferably diamond shapes
as they look more appealing. Quick,
easy, super healthy and delicious dry fruits laddoos/
You may either serve
them as-is
or refrigerate for
later consumption. These can also be stored in an air tight container
and consumed
within a week .
Being rich
in anti-oxidants it is a super snack for all. Kids, senior citizens,
adults, teenagers etc. can all consume it as a quick snack. Energy
bars are great friends to many. A munch on a busy day not just
satiates your hunger
levels but also provides the
vital minerals and vitamins required for your body. These laddoos
were saviors to me and my hubby during our IT journey especially when
the count down for Go-Live begins.
Dry fruits are
rich sources
of vitamins like B1-B9, C, K, E and H. They provide minerals,
proteins, amino acids and fibre content needed for an expecting
mother. They are also rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc,
selenium and other anti-oxidants.
Be aware of the ingredients you use
if you are prone to nut allergy.
I believe DIY
at home is a great way to
experiment with different combinations of nuts especially for picky
eaters. These laddoos/ burfis/ energy bars can also be prepared and
shared with family members and friends during festivities. These
laddoos taste much better than the store bought ones. Try
it out and let me know your comments.
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