Ellu Bella: Sankranti special
Ellu Bella: Sankranti special
sesame seeds – 250 gm
fried gram – 200 gm
roasted peanuts – 250 gm
Dry coconut – 1
Jaggery cubes – 2
peppermint – 50gm
big - 150gm
Take copra
and remove the dark skin either by scraping or grating. You may use
as-is with the skin but i prefer to remove the skin. Once done, start
working from the edges to cut out thin slices using a knife. Cut
these slices into more tiny bits of coconut pieces.
Take cubed
jaggery and scrape out any dirt or dust. Cut it into smaller pieces.
Lot of jaggery will be crushed to powder while cutting if you apply
too much force. Be careful and apply less force. This way, you would
get more cut jaggery pieces than the crushed powder. Separate the
powder and the pieces. You may use the powdered jaggery to make any
other desserts.
In a pan
add polished til/sesame seeds and saute under low flame. Keep
stirring. After a while, you would notice that the sesame seeds are
puffing up and their color is slightly changing to brown. Dish out
and spread on a clean plate or newspaper for cooling.
In a deep frying
pan, add the peanuts and roast them on medium flame until they
slightly change the color to brown. Keep stirring. Continue to check
on them frequently to prevent burning. Once the skin of the peanuts
peel off easily, color changed to slight brown and there is no raw
taste, it means that they are roasted well. Switch OFF the flame and
spread them on a newspaper for cooling. After a minute or 2, press
them slightly using your palm or fingers. The skin peels off easily.
If you allow the peanuts to cool for longer, the skin doesn’t peel
off easily. Be aware! You may also using a rolling pin for peeling
the skin and splitting the peanuts. Gently roll the pin over the
roasted peanuts. The skin peels off easily and the peanuts would
split into 2. We need split roasted peanuts to make Ellu Bella. That
is the reason why we are using rolling pin here. It makes our lives
much easier. Separate the skin and the split peanuts either by
blowing or using a winnowing fan.
Now that all
the ingredients are ready, we are left with the last step - mixing
them together. Take a large bowl, add the roased sesame seeds,
jaggery pieces, dry coconut pieces, jeera peppermint, sakariya, fried
gram, roasted peanuts and mix well. You may add additional peanuts,
fried gram and sakariya if required. That’s it. Ready to eat fresh
Ellu Bella is made within minutes!
You may also
dry them under hot sun for 2 to 3 hours for more crispier texture
before packing.
Now, take a
zip locker and pour some of the mixed Ellu Bella, sugar mold and seal
it. Follow the same process to pack all the Ellu Bella into zip
lockers. If you do not have a zip locker, don’t worry. Take a small
cover and add the Ellu Bella. Hold the 2 tips of the packet and make
a small fold. Light a candle or lamp and keep this folded plastic
near the fire. Gently pass by so that the plastic is slightly burnt.
Now, press on it quickly so that it seals. Tada! Quick work around
On the day of
Makara Sankranti, ladies and young girls are well dressed. They would
be fully excited to go to their neighbours house to share this Ellu
Bella. This helps them to know their neigbours better and also
celebrate festivals by sharing joy with others in a society-inclusive
approach. There is also a saying “Ellu Bella tindu Olle Matadi”
in Kannada. Meaning, eat sesame seeds mixed with jaggery and speak
good words.
What means “Ellu
Beerodu” or How to serve Ellu Bella?
In a clean
decorative plate, arrange all the packets of Ellu Bella. Carry a
bunch of betel leaves, arecanut, banana and sugar cane pieces while
you are visiting the neighbours. Before serving, take a piece of
sugarcane, 3 betel leaves, 2 arecanuts or a sachet, 1 packet of Ellu
Bella, 1 banana and a small gift (optional) and place them on a
plate. Serve it to the elderly. It’s that simple.
In return,
they would also serve you back the similar stuff that they have
prepared. If you haven’t packed the sugar molds along with Ellu
Bella, you may place it separately just like the banana and serve.
Try it out and let
me know your experiences. I am sure kids would definitely “LOVE”
all the FUN going around and cherish these memories for years to
come. Enjoy!
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